About the Order


The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre is a Papal Order made up of Knights and Dames. Unlike other Papal Orders, membership is not given as a reward for services rendered to the Church. Instead, it is an order with an active dimension. Over and above their work for their local church, through their prayers and almsgiving members provide on-going support for the Christian church in the Holy Land, the place where Christ was born, lived, died and rose again. They do this through their contributions to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the equivalent of an archdiocese in the western world. This is based in Jerusalem and covers the historic land of Palestine, as well as Israel, Jordan, and Cyprus.

In addition to contributing towards the general work of the Latin Patriarchate the Scottish Lieutenancy has particular responsibility for supporting the parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, Aboud, situated in a village on the West Bank some 25 miles north-north-west of Jerusalem. This includes the parish school and a pharmacy both of which are open to all regardless of faith. The charitable purposes of the work are recognised by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator which has registered the Lieutenancy under the number SCO 22356

In order to strengthen their charitable commitment to supporting the faith of Christians in the Holy Land members also commit themselves to undertaking an active programme of spiritual development in support of their own faith. All members are encouraged to undertake at least one pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and for this reason we try to organise a pilgrimage to the Holy Land as far as possible every two years. Friends and guests are welcome to join us on these occasions and to share in the sense of solidarity and friendship with they promote.

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© Scottish Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. A charity registered in Scotland Reg No SCO 22356